Sunday, May 22, 2011

The days are getting warmer

As spring moves toward summer the days get warmer and Miya spends as much time as possible outside. Waking up from a nap, "Go outside!" is usually one of the first things she says.

So many things to do outside - climb and slide on the play structure, play with water in a little water table, help daddy pull dandelions or watch him mow the lawn, find worms with mommy and carry weeds to the green bin...

Now that the yard looks so nice, it's time to have friends over for a picnic. (The best thing about these picnic is that pants are optional.)

And it's always fun to get dressed up as a dandelion princess.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spring in the capital

Now that the weather is turning warmer, Miya is outside soaking up the sunshine and making the most of Ottawa spring.

She joined in at the local Easter egg hunt - her face festively painted with a little bunny and was very equal opportunity for what was added to her bucket: eggs, grass, pebbles, sticks.

She attended the local tulip festival where she checked up on tulips large and small.

At the tulip festival she even shared her artistic talent by joining in on the kids mural - adding dabs and streaks of bright colours. Tulips and creativity are blossoming all around.